Coway Thailand

Heart service

Introducing the new Assistant


To make Coway products can work at full efficiency build confidence Create a good experience and maximum satisfaction for customers. It aims for good health and quality of life through the combination of state-of-the-art technology and attentive service from Coway. This is a form of service that no other brand has ever done before. especially the water filter that needs to be taken care of And cleaning meticulously, "Coway" therefore invented a cleaning assistantCARE KIT.
Seamless Heart Service Procedure
The new Hi-Care 2.0 provides comprehensive cleaning as well as sanitise seamlessly with its step-by-step feature.
Quality And Hygiene You Can Trust
The material and water from Hi-Care 2.0 are safe and hygiene to ensure the cleanliness of your product.
No Mess Countertop
Countertop can be neat and mess-free during service with our innovative Hi-Care 2.0
Coway Care Kit
Service experience

Serve the customer's heart and create a good feeling for the customer.

Product with service
Water Purifier
Filters is regularly replaced with the optimum service cycle.
Cleanliness of airtight tank is further enhanced with Heart Service sanitation.
Function Checking
Regular examination of product function ensures yourproduct to perform in the best condition.
Exterior Cleaning
Pollution level sensor check and exterior cleaning the contamination level sensor with a service tool.
Periodical Filter Change
Replaces the filter according to the cycle of each product and filter.
Pre-Filter Cleaning to manage products more meticulously and hygienically.
Product with service
Air Purifier

Great products are greater with excellent services

You Don't Have To Remember When To Check/Change Filters
Free Warranty
& Part-Changing

Exceptional Service,
Premium Experience

Heart Winning Excellence
เข้าบริการทุกๆ 2 เดือน
2-month Regular Service
Our Cody Team service will take care of the product. Always clean and ready to use
มี CODY บริการคลอบคลุมทุกพื้นที่
Codys Nationwide
You can rest assured that we have CODY team service available to take care of your Coway products in the best possible condition.
ประสบการณ์มากกว่า 20 ปี
20 Years of Service Experience
The Cody career is recognised by the Korea Ministry of Labor. Over 14,000 Codys in Korea are delivering the best Heart Service since 1999.
โคดี้ มีความเป็นมืออาชีพในการให้บริการ
Professionalism Certified by 50 Cody Trainings
With standards set by our HQ in Korea, our Codys have gone through professional trainings, exams and follow-up trainings.
Service At Your Doorstep
No matter rain or shine, all you have to do is be at home and our Cody will be ringing the bell.
Excellent Maintenance Service
With our innovative Hi-Care 2.0, a thorough product sanitation can ensure cleanliness and hygiene of the water you drink.
Even The Little Details Are Taken Care of
Chances of having messy countertop will be reduced to almost zero with no-mess feature of Hi-Care 2.0.
Hygiene Guaranteed
With advanced electrolysis water technology, CODYs help to sterilise the products to be free from bacteria and microorganisms.